Sunday, July 6, 2008

Writing Opportunities: Would You Like to Be a Contributor to IfoundYourStuff eMagazine? Here is How...

To Submit an item you've found, you can e-mail us at ifoundyourcamerastuff at .

We will send you an invitation to upload it yourself. This way, you will become a special contributor to IfoundYourStuff community.

Please note that IfoundYourStuff will not publish any privacy-violating and graphic materials! Our goal is to connect rightful owners with their belongings and bring joy back to their face.

IfoundYourStuff's Submission Guidelines

Your submission must not be a press release, advertisement, sales letter, promotional copy, or blatant and excessive self-promotion or hype.

Your submission/article must not contain pornography/adult material, hate or violence-oriented, suggest racial intolerance, advocate against any individual or group, have insulting, obscene, degrading tone, or contain profanity.

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